Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dog Adopts Orphaned Fox Cub- Interspecies Love

A fox cub was rescued after being found beneath the body of his dead mother has got a new surrogate parent - a three year old mongrel dog. Lucky fox!

The twelve week old Tod was named after the cub who befriends a puppy in the Disney film "The Fox and the Hound". This movie is so cute! I'm so happy to see this healing transformation regarding foxes and the old abusive paradigm of fox hunting. Who could ever enjoy harming a sweet animal such as a fox?

For all the information, please read this excellent account below:
Dog Training |Kevin The Collie|Ailments, Allergies Dogs and Puppies

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: and email her at

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