Sunday, January 28, 2007

Theta Healing and Inheriting The Family Jewels

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Do you now what I love about Theta Healing? We can actually rewrite our familial history patterns to those of health and wholeness.

How many have loved ones in our family diagnosed with illness that we perfer to stay away from and pray it is not in our genes?

You may have unconscious beliefs handed down from your genealogy that lead to illness such as “cancer runs in my family” or “all the men in my family die of heart attacks before the age of fifty”.

My father had a severe heart attack at age 42. When my brother reached age 41, he feared he had my father's genes. He became a health zealot and did everything in his power to thwart a heart attack of his own.

Through Theta Healing, a healing process where you are the conduit for Creator to heal through you, my brother has rewritten his life story. And is very happily living his life at 50!

We can change the notes in the song of our DNA!

I would love to share all of this information with you. I am committed to spreading this work to the world. Learn how you can create the healthy life you’ve always wanted. Where you will heal and manifest as co-creator with God. Make this year you live in power, love, abundance and health.

Margaret Loris RN MS gives DNA classes regularly in Europe. Check her international workshop schedule HERE

Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses.

For more information on hosting my DNA ThetaHealing Workshops in your area please visit email me at


Gledwood said...

Can we really be "co-creator" of God? Or isn't God the one creator of us? I'm intrigued as to what you're saying.

Zannie Rose said...

I love the concept of changing the song of our family, the sound of our family. Not sure how it was father used to say 'no man in our family lives over the age of 52..he is still going at 76..maybe it is all the ancestral healing I have been doing?

Margaret Loris, The Sunhealer said...

You are correct gledwood. That was a typo I corrected. We are co-creators with God.

Margaret Loris, The Sunhealer said...

Sounds like you are having great healing results Zannie. Keep up the great work!