Friday, April 3, 2009

Defenders of Wildlife Campaign to Save America's Wolves: Meet Limpy -- Help Save Western Wolves

Have you seen this?

I voted for Obama and against Sarah Palin
because America needs to protect wildlife and their habitats.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has once again eliminated protections
for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies.

He is NOT representing my vote nor do I feel he represents what the Obama administration
is symbolizing to the world- global consciousness, not self interest.

An awareness of the quality of life and all things living,
not power over and destruction.

Wholeness and unity not divisiveness and separation.

A love for all life, and

Living in "green" world that protects against global warming and shelters wild life is a paramount issue that needs to be addressed before we endanger and lose yet another species.

Please click on the link and make your voice heard.

Defenders of Wildlife Campaign to Save America's Wolves: Meet Limpy -- Help Save Western Wolves: ""

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