Thursday, October 15, 2009


Sponsor your local Fire Department with a pet oxygen mask:

Each year more than 500,000 pets are affected by fires in the United States. Firefighters can often save a pet's life, if they have the right equipment. October is National Fire Safety Month and marks the launch of "BARK 10-4", a campaign sponsored by Bark Buckle UP, to help fire departments nationwide obtain the much needed pet oxygen masks. The mask can only work if it is available on the fire truck. Bark 10-4 a Mask for Every Fire Truck Across America.

A mask for every Fire truck BARK 10-4 will save pets lives

A mask for every Fire truck was created to allow the pubic to sponsor a pet oxygen mask for their local fire department. More then 30,000 fire departments and EMT offices are located nationwide and most of those have more then one fire truck per station. The Mask can only work if they have it to use. Click for more>

Would your pet survive a fire?

The Pet Oxygen Mask can only work if it is on EVERY Fire Truck!

  • Losing a pet in a house fire can be a devastating experience
  • More than 500,000 pets are affected by fires each year
  • Does your local fire department have pet oxygen masks on every fire truck?
  • Over 40,000 pets each year die of smoke asphyxiation
  • More than 30,000 fire departments and EMT offices nationwide most with more then one Fire Truck

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