Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pet Safety This Fourth Of July

Keep your pets safe this Fourth Of July!

When my niece Lisa was 8 years old, she attended a family picnic on the Fourth Of July. Everyone was having the time of their life, eating, drinking, relaxing, playing. And then the fireworks began.

Everyone oohed and aahed at the display. Except Otis, Lisa's uncle's mixed breed. Otis was getting upset at all the noises. Then came a loud "BANG", Otis barked, then bit the closest thing to him, Lisa's face.

Lisa was hysterical. Her mother wanted Otis to be put down. It was quite an unhappy ending.

Let's keep holidays festive and safe. Your pet has no idea what is going on. My Fritzl gets upset at thunder. He barks, shivers, then hides under the bed. I can imagine how confused and frightened poor Otis was.

To make a long story short, Lisa needed to have a series of plastic surgeries and scar revisions. Today, her face shows no history of the accident.

And Otis lived another six natural years of a happy life.

I have heard countless stories where there was much worse trauma. Missing fingers, eye enucleation, blindness, on both people and pets. And worse.

Here's some valuable articles on keeping your family, that includes your pets, safe and healthy during the festivals.

ASPCA: News Alert: June 29, 2007

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