Sunday, October 14, 2007

Transform Vows

The following is taken from: DNA channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon 07/14/2001

DNA - The Vows
Those of you who understand the vows know that these promises to God from what you call your past are placed upon you at birth as a continuation of what you started, regarding the energy between you, personally, and God. There is nothing as strong as the energy of a vow - a promise to God; "Dear God, I promise to be poor so I can focus on you." Here you are, fulfilling it!
"God, I promise not to have Human relationships, ever, and instead, concentrate on you. I vow to be celibate."

Then, of course, when you aren't faithful to this vow, you feel guilt. We have spoken so many times about this and have said it is active in some of you - not a passing thing.
This vow energy is delivered to your DNA in an active way. It is not something in a book that lies there ready to be discovered. It is real and active and pokes you every day. It reminds you about the vow you gave. We have said this before: You can neutralize it and change it, dear Human Being! You can move from the old to the new energy. It's not difficult and only requires "intent." Remember, intent is not asking; it is claiming your Divinity. Intent is something you always had and always will. Intent is reaching onto a personal shelf that has always existed and pulling off the things that you need and designed before you got here.

How to use your intent to transform and heal through ThetaHealing!

If you are holding celibacy or chastity vows, how will you be able to attract and enjoy them when you finally meet? I will give you the gifts that inactivate Priest/Priestess vows and pull them completely out of your DNA!
Finally set yourself free from love and marriage beliefs.

Here are just two of the dozens of releases my class offers:
Remove Ancient Healers' Oaths
Vows Of Poverty
Vows Of Obedience
Vows of Silence
Starving Artist Vows

These vows and oaths may have served you well in the past and kept you alive, but they really need to GO!

Remove Them From Your Cellular Level!

For more information please contact me

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