Sunday, October 21, 2007

10th Chakra Activation

The 10th Chakra or Earth Star, rests approximately one and one half feet under your physical feet.

The tenth auric level integrates our ancestral background on our DNA strands.

It is this gene pool that enables us to meet the physical and psychological challenges we experience in life. It also integrates life force energy and information, keeping all chakras aligned by locking our energies into the ground, allowing us to accomplish our life's purpose.

The Tenth Chakra Energy Activation:

"Creator of All That Is, I command to connect and anchor with the point in the center of the Earth that is uniquely mine."

Imagine liquid light return that starts flowing up through the layers and levels of the Earth.

Feel it pull it up through the bottoms of your feet then filling your entire body.

Notice this liquid light travel through the top of your head through your silver cord that connects you through all time and space to your beginnings, to Source.

Now say to yourself:

"I command to anchor into my 10th chakra, one and a half feet under my physical body..
Thank You. It is done."

Imagine your tenth chakra spinning in a clockwise vortex of light. It spins and spins until it comes into it's perfect size, shape and vibration, feeling a sense of well being, groundedness.

Allow the healing colors of the earth to flow through this chakra, bringing in red, russet, brown, and obsidian.

Notice how your tenth chakra feeds you in a manner that you were never fed before.

Imagine your tenth chakra fully functioning, allowing all of your chakra system to align and balance.

Feel how it breathes you.

Sense how strong and invincible you became.

Your spiritual essence will descend and occupy that 10th chakra space as it brings in and holds you safely, comfortably, with the higher experiences.

You are now firmly planted and anchored into your tenth chakra.

Staying in your column of light, flood your tenth chakra with love and light directly from Source so that all that is processed will be dissolved easily.

Rest and become comfortable and at home with your new energy system.

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