Thursday, August 28, 2008

All Day Healing Class And Teleconference #1 Love: Chicago Center For Healing

Casting a love spell

The All Day Class Will Take This Topic of Love To The Next Level.

Hundreds of old beliefs will be transformed into healthy ones.

We will release past life vows, oaths, commitments, pledges, that we store that prevent us from healthy relationships, love,
even finding our soul mates.

Were you previously married and took the vow "til death do us part"
and are wondering why you have remained single?

Are you "forever in waiting" for your partner?
And growing older and older...

What about the vow of celibacy?
That will really close the door to fulfilling love.

I have a special exercise for you "Healing Relationship Problems"
where you roll back in time and remove conflict and erase karma.

I will check you and remove any family curses
that you may hold regarding love and being unlucky in love.

We will do a self love exercise then expand that
into a love partner exercise.

And we will do a physical heart cleansing exercise
that will take our old pains
to make room for abounding great feelings
of love and happiness.

Your heart will really sing for joy after this one.

Want more? Great! Because I have plenty more to give you.

I have a special meditation for you that will send you flying!

For those of you who have taken my classes,
you know exactly what I mean.

Again, I will emit the Grace Light Transmissions* during class.

Which means you have the compassionate light of the Creator
to assist you in your healings.

September 27, 2008 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

All day session $150.00

This teleclass will be recorded, so order now if you know you want the recording. You can attend live and download the recording afterwards as well.

Bring some paper, colored markers, crayons, or pencils.

I hope you can make it.


For a $25.00 discount coupon,
sign up for my newsletter at the left sidebar of this blog.
Or ask me to forward you a coupon.
*Grace light will bring a new “soul intelligence”, a new type of consciousness beyond logic. It represents the flowering of the heart center. Through the influence of grace light, people will not only develop higher states of awareness, but will also develop compassion and love toward one another. Grace light will move us from our self-absorbed and self-centered perspective to an experience of interconnectedness and universal oneness.

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