Sunday, March 2, 2008


YouTube - I BELIEVE: "The Heartbeat to Eternity: The Ripple Effect

I BELIEVE Peace Will Prevail.

When we invoke the phrase I BELIEVE, we do more than just make a statement. We send our Intention out into the Universe.

This video is a Pebble in the Pond. If it resonates with you, please watch it a second time and send YOUR Intention out with each I BELIEVE.

Please join your name with others by signing the I BELIEVE Peace Will Prevail petition:

Together, I BELIEVE we can make a difference.


I BELIEVE that each individual has the power to change the world

I BELIEVE that every Action we take can ripple out farther than we realize

I BELIEVE that ordinary people can do extraordinary things

I BELIEVE that Compassion is stronger than hatred

I BELIEVE that Knowledge is stronger than ignorance

I BELIEVE that Understanding is stronger than fear

I BELIEVE that it is possible to see through another's eyes if you try

I BELIEVE that each of us is connected by our shared Humanity

I BELIEVE that our similarities are more important than our differences

I BELIEVE that all individuals have a right to dignity and respect

I BELIEVE that you should do unto others as you would like others to do unto you

I BELIEVE that Hope is stronger than despair

I BELIEVE that every Random Act of Kindness makes this world a better place

I BELIEVE that while governments make treaties, individuals make Peace

I BELIEVE that it is possible to change the Path you are traveling

I BELIEVE that each individual must make a conscious decision to choose Peace

I BELIEVE that you have to lead by example

I BELIEVE that Peace Will Prevail

I BELIEVE that together, we can Heal the Heart of Humanity

Copyright Christopher B. Buck 27 December 2007

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