Friday, April 18, 2008

Changing Images Through ThetaHealing In The Netherlands

Really open to yur fullest expression.

Images are expressions of our ideas and concepts - they're made-up thoughts.

If a belief is merely a fabricated idea, it's just as easy to make up a new idea!

Consciously or unconsciously, with awareness or no awareness, our life experience is based upon our beliefs, which are simply thoughts charged with emotional energy.

This emotional energy has a frequency that includes the experience of unconditional love and well-being, or pain and suffering.

When we judge, criticize, and belittle the way our lives look, we experience disappointment and dissatisfaction.

This judging nourishes the inner critic and separates us from gratitude and love.

Make the choice to honor, love, and express gratitude for your wonderful life even when your days are stressed, when obstacles appear - on all days.

Remember, it's through our physical bodies that our spiritual essence is able to have a human experience.

Simply change your beliefs and your life will automatically change too. It's so easy to transform your images with DNA ThetaHealing.

And let your life blossom!

Let me teach you how to live a life of your dreams.

To assist you on your journey, I am offering partial scholarships for my Abundance Class this time only!

Manifestation And Abundance Course Materials:
Vianna's own Abundance Questionnaire to isolate your blocks.
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Class Manual
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Meditation CD

Requirements: Basic DNA and Advanced DNA

Echt, Netherlands DNA classes:
Abundance and Manifestation Class April 26-27, 2008
Basic ThetaHealing DNA Class May 2-4, 2008

Europe contact: Jeanine Nizet's email
Margaret Loris' email or 773-275-1810

If you are interested in learning more about DNA ThetaHealing or hosting a class in your area please contact me:

ThetaHealing™ originated by Vianna Stibal.
Thank you Vianna!

Vianna Stibal and Margaret Loris

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