Sunday, November 28, 2010

Long distance Healing for Animals

Dear Margaret,
You are so wonderful and so expert in helping the birds.

Yes, birds seem better. Not sure why the dip in Soleil's energy field. She may be mirroring my aura which is fluctuating and recalibrating recently.

Anyway, your energy sessions invariably help. Lucita is an extremely tense little bird, but is being welcomed by the flock. Thank you for everything, many times over. I consider the birds are lucky to have you as practitioner and bringer of Grace.

Good morning, Margaret.

I feel good about what you did for Soleil...all those energies you pulled from her were the mirror energies of what I've been releasing from myself for weeks. This is the hardest time/highest transformation of my life so far. I've been releasing cellular/past and present life darkness with great fervor for a year now, but most esp these last few weeks. I'm also transmuting energies for my dear male companion, Ron. We've been doing accelerated healing...we're both very sincere about moving forward in our lives and have pulled in many healers lately to assist. I personally am working as directly as I know how with Divine Love to free my soul in this life...

I believe Soleil has been assisting in that effort. It's a Big Vision I'm holding when I do these releasings...I feel like I'm trying to bring in a new paradigm with male/female consciousness. (Have been working on this since 2003/taking care of my father when he was sick and other selfless service). The grief that you picked up from Soleil over Apollo is my grief over Ron, over my dad, and all the heartache I've endured for many lifetimes. Most especially, for Ron and the Wounded Masculine Spirit that he embodies.

I'll be in touch. God Bless you!


Forgive me when I praise you too much but I see what you do for the winged ones and I can only be more grateful and more awed by the healing tools available at this time on the planet each time you tell me.

Of course you have helped Soleil. I haven't noticed her this morning because I've been too busy with other things. By your description alone of the work you did I know she is uplifted. She is carrying weight for me...I can intuit that. I have been working on the upper level chakras (getting closer to God) over the last several days. I have been doing high-level healing on myself and she is picking up on all of that inner activity. My third chakra is likewise clogged (personal power has been obstructed). That is how she developed the diabetes, I'll bet.

Lucita seems to be mirroring my sister's fragility and inability to really confront her own changing reality (menopause, a failed marriage, etc).

So, we do benefit by these bird healings.

Thanks so much and will go to paypal now.


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