Saturday, September 8, 2007

Germans Are Strong Healers

I had the good fortune of visiting a friend of mine, Horst, in Berlin last spring. Horst is one of the most beautiful souls I know. He lives in the heart of Berlin history, on Gartenstrasse and Bernauer Strasse, near the Berlin Wall Museum.

I thought I was visiting Horst for rest and relaxation. Since Berlin is so filled with history, I was amazed at how the memories of the Berlin Wall, communism, fear, separation, division and oppression came flooding back to me.

Love Over Barbed Wire

This is so heart wrenching. Seeing these two babies reach out for each other over the barbed wire is one of the most touching photographs I know.

Under The Gun.

Can you imagine working under these circumstances? Just think about it. This bricklayer is so brave! If you could see how the Wall was constructed with steel rods that reinforced its strength. And they topped it off with more barbed wire.

The Wall had a total length of 96 miles, with 302 watchtowers and 65 miles of anti-vehicle trenches. 171 people were killed or died due to the wall. A family commit suicide by driving their auto into it in order to break the wall down.

For almost thirty years the Berlin Wall divided Berlin in two. Overnight, its construction separated friends from friends, family from relatives, and one half of a great city from the other.

Can you imagine living like that? Or knowing someone that did?

Watch Actual BBC Story Video

For a time line, construction on the Wall began August 13, 1961. Seems like such a long time ago. Yet soon after that, living in the US as a young girl, I remember like "Yesterday" when the Beatles claimed the US in 1964.

Sie Liebt Dich

Then one day in 1989, among scenes of great rejoicing and delight, this symbol of oppression was torn down by the very people it was designed to control.

I remember watching the wall come down on television, cheering the people on as tears streamed down my face. They took mallets and hammers and chipped away at the concrete as fast as they could. East Berliners jumped over the wall as the West Berliners caught them.

That great day of healing and unification will always be remembered.

Germany Knows Healing.

Because Germans Are Strong Healers.

And great diners too!

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: and email her at

If you are interested in learning more about ThetaHealing or hosting a class n our area please contact me:

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