Friday, August 24, 2007

Chicago's ThetaHealing DNA2 Class

Chicago's Millennium Park Water Fountain
Want to learn a healing technique that will change your life forever?

I will assist you to become proficient with personal follow up practice ThetaHealing sessions on a regular basis.

Let me be your personal healing coach!

You haven't come across this before. What you're about to learn are breakthrough healing techniques that you won’t find anywhere else. Not online, not in bookstores, not in any university.

ThetaHealing is simple to follow, easy to learn, and you don't need any special skills to begin your healing. All you need is willingness to learn. It's as easy as following step-by-step directions.

As a matter of fact, it's so easy a 10 year old child can do this.

Follow the steps and, voila! You start experiencing results. Plus you'll personally enjoy all the major benefits of ThetaHealing.

We Are All Healers

Do you now that:
* Healership isn’t defined by a title; we all heal.
* We all have the potential to become remarkable healers, once we believe it is possible.
* To get to remarkable we all have things to learn, regardless of our natural gifts.
* As we become better healers we raise the planet’s vibrations.
* Healership is our birthright.
*We all have the opportunity to make a difference in the world as a healer.

Say Goodbye to Feeling Stuck or Unhappy All the Time

It's time to live the life you always dreamed.

Learn how to put an end to worry, dealing with stresses, and all the other things that make your life miserable.

Finally taste the success of a healthy, happy, and prosperous human being!

How is This ThetaHealing Class Different?

There are thousands of classes on healing and many are excellent. I’ve read and studied many of them over the last 30 years. This class is different in at least four specific ways, and each of them benefits you.

1. Thetahealing is practical. There are other practical healing skills, but none are practical for everyone regardless of their experience level. This class will unleash the remarkable healer within you.

2. Thetahealing is inspirational. I believe that you can be a remarkable healer. This class is given from this belief.

3. Thetahealing gives you a plan. I know you are busy, and I know you don’t have a week to close your door and build a plan to be a better healer – you have work to do!

4. ThetaHealing is more than a book. Vianna Stibal, originator, knows what it takes to be a remarkable healer and shares her secrets, tips, and examples in this compelling and enjoyable book. Each chapter gives outstanding healing secrets. Any one of these might be the specific tool or technique that you need to transform your life to the next level.

ThetaHealing is elegant, powerful, and actionable.

I love that ThetaHealing zooms in on the healership practices that can supercharge your life in only three days. Anyone can be a great healer by following this guidance.

How Will You Benefit?

Using the materials (both in the class, book and beyond) you will benefit in hundreds of ways. This class can make a difference for you and all those you heal.

With the help of ThetaHealing you will be able to:
Improve your psychic abilities
Reach the Theta healing state in seconds
Perform instant healings
Turbocharge your healing power
Strengthen your relationship with the Creator
Communicate with guides and angels
Change your core beliefs that imprison you
Replace genes
And I could go on and on and on...

You Too Can Reap The Massive Benefits

And know how to keep tipping the scale more and more in your favor as you continue to heal using these incredible techniques.

I must admit, it's been a thrilling ride so far. The transformations that occurred have led me to having tons of great times and meeting the most wonderful people.

Now it's your turn!

Dates: September 7-9, 2007
Times: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: 4950 N. Ashland Ave. 60640
Cost: $396.00 prepaid by September 5th, or $440.00 at the door.
Includes free ThetaHealing book, workbook, and email support.


To reserve a seat simply send your $100.00 deposit to:
Margaret Loris
2210 W. Wilson Ave,
Chicago, 60625

Or you can easily pay through Paypal. Send your $100.00 deposit to my account at

If you are interested in learning more about DNA ThetaHealing or
hosting a class in your area please contact me:

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: and email her at

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