Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chicago's Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class

NAvy Peir Chicago

What Really Works in Healing Your Own Reality?

In the search for help and resolve from physical or emotional pain, the quest can seem long, tedious and never ending.

If you've been looking for help and answers for years, or this is the first time you've been faced with a certain challenge, you will find your answers.

If you're skeptical, don't bother to read this right now.
But if you're open minded, then brace yourself for some goose bumps..

Are you ready to embark on the journey of your life time?

Are you willing to learn how to turbocharge your ability to heal and bring it up to the next level?

This class will bring you to a higher levels of experience and understanding of your abilities and gifts as an evolved individual.

This class is for people who want more, and are ready for more.

This class is for people who are ready to learn how to accelerate their ability to manifest.

This class is for people who are ready to go beyond what they knew or thought they knew.

This class is for people who want to to let go of what didn't work in order to learn what does work.

This class is for people who want to create the life they have always dreamed.

So, what will you create in this class to help you for the rest of your life?

Dates: September 7-9 2007
Times: 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Costs: $396.00 prepaid by September 5th, otherwise $440.00 at door.
Includes workbook and free email support.

Read more on my website at:
Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class

If you are interested in learning more about DNA ThetaHealing or hosting a class n our area please contact me: margaretloris@earthlink.net

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Magic Carpet Ride

Disney aladdin
NEW! ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Class

Heal your manifesting and abundance beliefs easy and fun with this new class!

- Explore the issues that prevent you from allowing Creator to gift you abundance.

- Learn how and why to give a job to everything in your house and
give it the energy of that job.

- How to pay your bills and when to write the checks that you will be using.

- Learn why to always leave just a little food on your plate every time you eat.

- Learn the 100 most important beliefs chanelled from Creator to Vianna to clear.

- This alone will be enough to change anyone's life!

- Clear beliefs at the deepest level.

- How and why to bless your money every time you spend it.

- Learn how to remember your future.

- Learn about Divine timing and how it affects your life.

- Learn how to identify regrets you may end up having from living the
life of your dreams and how to clear them before they ever happen.

- Discover how and why having a clear goal about what you want to achieve can actually keep you from ever achieving it.

- Recieve the downloads channeled by Creator designed to help you
manifest the life you want.

- Receive as part of the course a CD of Vianna herself leading you up into the 7th Plane of Existence that you can use every day of your life and really train your brain to do it right every time with grace and ease.

And I could go on and on.

Upon completing this class you will begin flying on your new found royal carpet!

Make your dreams come true by using these secrets of manifesting and abundance.

Requirements: Basic DNA and Advanced DNA classes

Course Materials:
Vianna's own Abundance Questionnaire to isolate your blocks.
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Class Manual
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Meditation CD

Zutphen, Netherlands DNA classes:
Basic DNA Class September 28-30
Abundance and Manifestation Class October 5-6, 2007

Europe contact: Johanny's email: johanny33@wanadoo.nl
Margaret Loris' email sunhealer@earthlink.net or 773-275-1810

Echt, Netherlands DNA Classes:
Basic DNA Class October 12-15
Abundance and Manifestation Class October 19-20, 2007

Europe contact: Jeanine Nizet's email jnizet@home.nl
Margaret Loris' email sunhealer@earthlink.net or 773-275-1810

Plus I am happy to announce my exciting new "Progressive 2: Spiritual Healing Your Body" class coming soon!

I've taken advanage of my medical background as being an operatng room registered nurse for 21 years and infused my extensive spiritual healing knowledge to come up with this powerful course.

Watch for it in coming months!

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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If you are interested in learning more about DNA ThetaHealing or hosting a class n our area please contact me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DNA Repair With Theta Healing

Want to learn ways to have more power to heal your self and loved ones?

DNA ThetaHealing will show you how you can actually transform and repair changes that may be in your DNA.

Sometimes environmental conditions can cause difficulties in the DNA encoding and change the structure of the DNA over time.

Factors that may have caused the defect are: cocaine, drugs, alcohol, Agent Orange, heavy metals, or disruptive materials like radiation.

Medical conditions may bring about changes in the DNA helix indicates physical defect through parents and ancestors.

Kindly watch this video to find out more!


Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Re-Energizing with Source

For an aura that is gorgeous - brilliant white with the most brilliant gold impervious shield around it. So brilliant in fact, that it is the pure gold Shield of Christ.

"Source, I command an aura that is brilliant white with the most brilliant gold shield around it. That it is pure gold, the protective Shield of Christ. Creator, cleanse my aura and polish it. Then refill and energize me with Your Vital Loving Energy. Thank You. It is done (3x)."

See the cleansing waters of the creator flowing over you, through you and your aura.

Feel this liquid honey travel into your crown chakra, filling your entire head.

It saturates your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen, hips. Sending this sweet healing nectar down your legs and feet.

Watch as every part-skeletal, flesh, blood, your whole being and aura fill and then over fill with Source's Golden Healing Love Energy.

Watch the area below your feet open up and allow the dense energy flow out. Ask that it be sent to the light of God.

Your aura will be automatically sealed and polished.

Rest and continue to allow the energies in as you automatically continue to fill up with Source's pure Brilliant Golden Energy.

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Radical Forgiveness.com

You have to visit this incredible site!

Colin Tipping has created an on line Radical Forgiveness Program that I find excellent.

It supports you through all steps of the forgiveness process by gently prompting you to the next level. What I enjoy the most is that it prevents me from getting stuck so I can more easily release and let go.

Please give it your attention. It is so worth it.

Radical Forgiveness.com

In the left hand column where it says SELECT YOUR STRATEGY click on the last rectangle that says "FREE ONLINE TOOLS"

Then go to "Radical Forgiveness Worksheet".

Sign up and begin a transforming technique that will really affect and shift your energy in a positive and loving way.

I am always so thankful at how smooth and gentle this release process is.

Thank You Colin1

PS Never force anyone to heal!

Well-meaning friends and relatives have forced resources like this on trauma patients and unintentionally caused them additional pain.

Pressure to forgive their abusers lays an additional burden (stress, guilt, shame. etc.) on some victims. Sometimes the abuse is so horrific it may feel impossible for them to forgive.

Some people feel forced to forgive when they really feel quite the opposite. If so. remind them that Source forgives, all they need to do is be willing to release and let go.

This is a great resource for people who find healing in forgiving, or for those whose religious beliefs demand it. Like any therapy, it's not for everyone.

I know a man who is very verbally abusive and always asks for forgiveness, only to feel he has permission to abuse again!

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

DNA Theta Healing Brings Paradise On Earth

DNA ThetaHealing gives us the ability to glide through the Seven Planes of Existence and become One with All Of Life.

Connecting to Source, connecting to all kingdoms naturally, easily.

Filling with Light, and radiating that Light.

Seeing Source as everything.

Bringing Heaven to earth.

A Paradise on earth.

You can see how beautiful that is.
Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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If you are interested in learning more about DNA THetaHealing or hosting a class n our area please contact me.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Pets Heal The Sick

Hospitals should allow pet visits!

Why you may ask?

I always thought I was privileged to own a pet. I feel like I am always loved, protected, and safe. I get Fritzl kisses when I'm good. And he's never more than a few inches away so I know a body rub is always near.

I firmly believe that's why I have such great health.

Animals mend hearts with loving paws and guiding hands. Studies have shown that patients in the intensive care unit recover quicker from heart attacks and open heart surgery when they have an animal waiting at home for them. They also go home with less medications and have far fewer complications.

Even the BBC agrees with me!
BBC NEWS | Health | Hospitals should allow pet visits

And California is proving me right too:
Paws For Healing

So click here and get the best medicine your money can buy.
Pet Finders

Because animals remember what they were taught from the world's greatest healers.

Margaret Loris RN MS, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA healing techniques. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Koko and Moe

I remember transcending love.

400 pounds of gentle loving strength: Sweet Interspecies Love

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Puppies Are Biodegradable: Animal Rescue

"Shrimp" found in Puppy Mill

I always send you articles on cute and loving animals that touch your heart. Now I want to touch your heart in another way. Will you please help me help those that are unable to help themselves?

There is an art exhibit in Pennsylvania raising awareness of the realities of puppy mills.

In a disturbing newspaper article, John Spidaliere reported on a meeting of the West Hempfield Township Zoning Board where a farmer, Henry U. Stoltzfus, was applying for a permit to build a dog breeding facility in Lancaster County. Zimmerman and others from this association often guide farmers hoping to build high volume dog breeding kennels through the local zoning board process.

Concerned that Stoltzfus was building a "puppy mill" on his property, a neighbor asked Zimmerman what would happen to Stoltzfus's puppies if they are not sold. Zimmerman replied that the puppies would be killed and that unsold dogs would be exterminated, composted and spread as fertilizer on fields. Zimmerman told the neighbor that they would be "left to rot" and that "they are biodegradable."

puppies are biodegradable

"Shrimp" healed and looking oh so happy and handsome!

You are important and can help. Please act for change.

Please include abused animals in your prayers.

Join a world effort and in this prayer circle to heal them.

And sign the pledge below:

Monday, July 9, 2007

Still Dreaming Of Jeannie?

I dream Of Jeannie
New! ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Class

Do you remember the TV series "I dream Of jeannie"? If you do, then you also remember how much Jeannie loved her master Tony and would do anything in the universe to help him.

Do you realize that the universe loves you too? And that it will do everything in its power to help you?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you actually got everything that you wanted? Have you ever stopped to reflect on just what it is that stands in your way of true abundance?

Want to learn how to manifest easily and effortlessly? Would you love to learn secrets on how to manifest everything in your life.

Want to really soar like an eagle above a mundane daily life?

Of course you do!

Are you worthy? Deserving? Ready? Or is it something oh so very unusual that keeps abundance just out of your grasp?

It's time to learn and know how to create your true heart's desire. I teach tools that are specific to assist you to get out of your own way. Remove those blocks that bind you and change your daily life.

Come with me as we explore issues that prevent you from allowing Creator to gift you abundance.

This powerful class is designed to open the doors to your true abundance in every aspect of your life.

Make your dreams come true by using these secrets of manifesting and abundance.

Course Materials:
Vianna's own Abundance Questionnaire to isolate your blocks.
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Class Manual
ThetaHealing Manifestation and Abundance Meditation CD

Requirements: Basic DNA and Advanced DNA

For all of you living in Europe or love Europe as much as I do,
I have four courses for you to attend in beautiful Holland.

Zutphen, Netherlands DNA classes:
Basic DNA Class September 28-30
Abundance and Manifestation Class October 5-6, 2007

Europe contact: Johanny's email: johanny33@wanadoo.nl
Margaret Loris' email sunhealer@earthlink.net or 773-275-1810

Echt, Netherlands DNA Classes:
Basic DNA Class Oktober 12-15
Abundance and Manifestation Class October 19-20, 2007

Europe contact: Jeanine Nizet's email jnizet@home.nl
Margaret Loris' email sunhealer@earthlink.net or 773-275-1810

Plus I am happy to announce an exciting new "Progressive 2: Spiritual Healing Your Body" class coming soon!

I've taken advanage of my medical background as being an operatng room registered nurse for 21 years and infused my extensive spiritual healing knowledge to come up with this powerful course. I know it will knock your socks off!

Watch Tony meet Jeannie here:
I Dream Of Jeannie

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Money Energizer

ADD NOW, the VISUAL impact of the Money Energizer while reciting the mantra,

“I energize my wallet with this messenger of wealth, and I add to my good fortune with a prayer for my good health. One creates great happiness while the other doth provide the ability to give to those less fortunate than I.”

Money Energizer

Do You Remember Love?


Receive pack wisdom. It will touch your heart.

Click on the link below:

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Friday, July 6, 2007

Fire The Grid

Experience Global Healing

You are important.

Please join us in meditation July 17, 2007, at 11:11 A.M. Greenwich Mean Time as we pour our living energy to heal and regenerate the Earth.

Near death experience survivor Shelley Yates has been asked to bring together as many humans as possible throughout the world, from every corner of the globe, to simply sit and pray or meditate for one hour during that time.

Because we have separated ourselves from our complete connection to The Source by not having a fully functioning Human grid, God’s energy has not been able to easily flow into the Earth.

If we choose to come together to rebuild our grid, then the natural flow of energy between us and God, God and the Earth and from person to person will be restored. Do you see what a wonderful gift you will give?

This energy will live on eternally with the Earth and its inhabitants—the splendor of the Creator’s intention for us realized in the creation of this new energy field for our planet.

With your help, we will amass a union of humans such as the world has never seen. Loving humans having one intention can heal our planet and awaken our souls to our true purpose—to become One with our Source of Light.

This planned sitting of the people of Earth will demonstrate the love and faith we feel for the goodness of our world and her inhabitants. We are the catalyst to the healing of Earth. A true believer has the power of tenfold, so if you only think you may believe, know that the faith of the others will boost your own faith, and the power will be intensified.



Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Healing Magic Of Water

Do you know that water has tremendous healing and creative properties?

Water is most beautiful and mutable and it's structure is affected through thought, writing, even music.

Here's a little healing secret. To manifest and have water help you, write your wishes or intentions that you would like to manifest on a piece of paper and tape onto a glass, or simply use a paper cup .

For example, "I am extraordinarily creative" or "I am radiating in love".

It can be as specific as you want such as, "I solved the challenge with my neighbor".

Next, with complete faith and assurity, drink half of the water and go to sleep.

The water you just drank is reverberating with great intensity and sending out your intentions like a radio antenna to the universe.

The water you drank is still connected to the water in the cup which is sending your message to the universe.

This was proven by the famous Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto.

As you sleep, your subconscious mind will continue to communicate with the water, both in your body, and that still in the cup.

The water's structure is actually changing its structure into your written intention like you will see in the video below.

When you wake up in the morning, drink the rest of the water.

You will literally be drinking your dreams come true!

This will have them reverberate even more powerfully through your whole being.

Do this nightly and watch miracles multiply and your health increase at faster rates.

Water loves you and will help you along your path.

Water is alive and aware. It's consciousness is able to assist us cocreate and in manifesting our dreams.

Emoto believes that since people are 70 percent water, and the Earth is 70 percent water, we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love and goodwill.

I'll drink to that!

YouTube - Truly Amazing: Message From the Water


Here is one more link to the book at Amazon.


Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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Stop Puppy Mills

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Happy Fourth Of July!

freedom banner

Reflections of freedom
Hello everyone!

I invite you all to celebrate the vibration of "Freedom" with me this Fourth Of July.

Freedom is often symbolized through the eagle's image.

Eagle is connected both to Spirit and to Earth.
And does so with ease.

High-soaring eagles are believed to touch the face of God.

They communicate with Source energy and deliver it to us.

Eagle is also a powerful symbol of courage;
that is why its feathers are such powerful tools for healing.

Eagle teaches us to combine wisdom and courage.

To be wise enough to know that a change needs to be made in one's life.

To be courageous and execute the change.

For the universe presents us with opportunities
to soar above the mundane levels of life.

Living in eagle's symbols of power, freedom, and transcendence.

This is so much fun!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Core Star Acceleration

DNA star Healer

Looking for ways to heal gently, in ease and with grace? Looking to remove blocks that prevent your light from truly shining?

Waiting inside of you is a new you, a true you. You have so much to win, so much to gain, so much to discover about your self.

DNA ThetaHealing returns you to the star that you are... your core star.

Aligning and wakening to your inner core expands into your inner Divine Core that accelerates your connection to the Eternal Divine.

After DNA activations and ThetaHealings, your core star will begin an uncovering process so that you can express your self as the pure Light that you are.

Let me be your DNA ThetaHealing coach.

And become the original star that you really are!

Margaret Loris RN MS, DNA Lehrer, Kristall Heiler, heilend Langstrecke, registreit Krankenschwester, and certified DNA teacher, is a gifted healer with an international following. She is a Kristall Heiler and Theta-Heiler. She travels all over the world presenting seminars and workshops on DNA Orion Theta healing techniques; DNA heilendes Seminar, Heilendes Kristallseminar, und Internationale Seminare. Margaret has a special interest in healing pets and is a frequently published author on this topic. Margaret’s love for all the kingdoms includes her crystal healings and courses. Check her international workshop schedule: www.sunhealer.com and email her at sunhealer@earthlink.net.

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